ABC Sunday movies

ABC summer: Sunday movies, weekday games

This summer, ABC will go with a plan that worked during the strikes.
It will turn Sunday back into a movie night – starting with “Inside Out” (shown here) and possibly including lots of Disney films. That will let game shows sprawl across the weekdays, alongside “The Bachelorette.”
That line-up will tiptoe around the pro-basketball finals, which dominate June: Read more…

Disney saves its best for Sundays

For four months, TV’s biggest night had a giant question-mark.
Sundays are when ratings peak. But in its makeshift, strike-time schedule, ABC simply listed “Wonderful World of Disney” movies at 8 p.m., without saying which ones.
Disney movies, after all, can be as magical as “Mary Poppins,” as blah as this year’s “Haunted Mansion,” as forgettable as several I’ve forgotten. So which ones would be shown?
Now we finally know. This starts with “Jungle Cruise,” Oct. 1; “Cruella,” Oct. 8; and “Encanto” (shown here), Oct. 15. That covers a broad range — ordinary adventure, salvaged by likable stars … extraordinary adventure with awesome visuals … and an animated musical with some “Poppins-style” splendor. Read more…