Edge of the Unknown

They live high-adventure (and scary) lives

Angel Collinson (shown here) has spent most of her life whooshing down mountains,.
She succeeded most of the time, starring in skiing movies and on magazine covers. She also failed a few times, once taking a dangerous, 1,000-foot fall.
So what’s the scariest moment she’s had so far? “When I asked my boyfrfiend out for a date,” she said..
She’s joking, a little, but with some truth at the core. Collinson is one of the athletes featured in “Edge of the Unknown with Jimmy Chin,” a National Geographic Channel series that views top athletes and their toughest moments.
The series opens at 9:30 pm. Monday (Sept. 5), with Alex Honnold, the climber who was the subject of Chin’s Oscar-winning, 2018 movie, “Free Solo.” It follows at 10 with Collinson. The next night (Sept. 6), the show has kayaker Gerd Serrasolses at 10 p.m. and climber Conrad Anker at 10:30.After that, it continues on Tuesdays, with episodes reaching Disney+ on Wednesdays. Read more…