Day: January 24, 2021

“Frontline”: GOP “capitulated” to Trump

The images rippling through “Frontline” are familiar enough, with a mob (shown here in a news photo) storming the Capitol.
But beyond that, the hour (10 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26, on PBS) asks a broader question: How did these people entwine with the stately restraint of the Republican Party?
“We’re the party of Lincoln,” Bob Corker, the former Republican senator from Tennessee, says in the film. So “demonizing people because of their color or background (is) not the party I grew up in.”
It’s convenient to simply point to Donald Trump, but Charles Sykes, a conservative author and former radio host, takes a wider view: “The Republican Party completely capitulated to him.” Read more…

Best-bets for Jan. 26: new night for ABC, old story for Trump

1) “Mixed-ish” season-opener, 9:30 p.m., ABC. Back in 1986, Bow says, her family loved “Dukes of Hazzard” – a show about White guys eluding the police in a car with a a Confederate flag. (“1986 was a really long time ago,” she decides.) She and her siblings (shown here in a previous episode), all mixed-race, had spent their early years on a commune, where race was never an issue. Now Bow’s brother is pulling off a racial deception, in an episode that’s fairly funny and sometimes serious. Read more…