Day: August 12, 2020

Reporters’ lives spin in political winds

Whenever a candidate is chosen – for president, for vice-president, whatever – the impact spreads.
Lives change, people move, careers are stalled or propelled. Reporters try to shrug it off.
“We roll from one assignment to the next,” insisted Kyung Lah (shown here, right, with Jasmine Wright), one of the CNN reporters featured in a new HBO Max documentary. When one candidate she covered dropped out of the presidential primaries, another was available.
“In my case, (Kamala) Harris ended, (Amy) Klobuchar ended.” Lah told the Television Critics Association. “Now (I cover) COVID …. We just roll from one to the next.”
Except sometimes, she can roll back again. A week after Lah said that, Harris was chosen as the vice-presidential candidate; Lah was back to politics, doing CNN comnentary on someone she’s covered. Read more…

Best-bets for Aug. 14: Fun at home; Shakespeare in the park

1) “Greatest #At Home Videos,” 8 p.m., CBS. As CBS tells it, this is the end – wrapping up a four-week run of videos people made at home, often while isolated. Still, we’ll be surprised if there aren’t more. So far, (a previous moment is shown here), there’s been an endless cascade of bits – sometimes funny, usually fun, occasionally warm – involving people and pets and sheer imagination. And host Cedric the Entertainer keeps asking viewers to send more; we hope this keeps going. Read more…